Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Whoa! Has it really been five months?

Five months. Almost half of a year. Over one half of a pregnancy.  That's how long it has been since I have updated this thing. Been on the road driving my ass off and really havent had time to write much, but I HAVE been doing a lot of thinking about writing.

Yeah, I know...thinking about it doesn't count and we all know that everyone thinks about it. Yoou cant get it done unless you have AIS syndrome. What is AIS syndrome, you ask? Ass In Seat. You cant write unless you actually sit down and put words on the screen. Pencil to the proverbial paper.

Since  HAVE been thinking a LOT about writing, I have been coming up with some story ideas while driving around this big country. I think I have a few narrowed down to some things I want to start working on now. I am going to start doing some research and see if I cant get something going.

In the meantime, I am going to try to update this blog at least once a week and maybe more if I can find time to get to it.

More later!