Saturday, November 10, 2012

A Chapter in Life...Closed.

Well, guys, It has been some time since I have been here. My Diabetes got the best of me and I am now on insulin, which disqualifies me from driving a truck. This means that my posts from here on out will contain NO posts about trucking. I will mainly be blogging about my diabetes, my writing, and just about any other thing that I can think of to blog about (which is also why the name of this blog has changed).

Since I am no longer driving, I am also unemployed at the moment so you may see a little bitching about that part of my life as well.

So, to all of my trucker friends and followers that I had...stick around and read my posts, but they wont be about trucking. If you decide not to hang out and read me from now on, Ill understand and will just say this...keep the dirty side down and be careful out there! ROLL ON!

To everyone else...Ill still be posting. Glad to have you here!