It has been about a week since I said I was going to write more. I haven't written one word towards a story that has been banging around in my head. Kinda sad, but I have a great excuse...I have been sick.
My diabetes has acted up a bit and really scared me the other day when I took a BG reading of 458. A normal blood sugar reading should be between 80 and 120. Yeah. 458 was NOT good. I have been concentrating all of my efforts on getting that reading down to a more respectable number. I have been really slack in trying to keep this disease under control. Ignored it. Now, I can't ignore it any longer.
I am going to start my story tonight and will try to do at least 1000 words per day on it. If I do 500 words, I will be OK with that, but the goal is 1000.
More later.
Whoa! Scary! Take care of yourself, and good luck hitting that goal! I've been super slack in revising this week. My only excuse--summer (and all that goes with it).
Thanks, LJ! Im trying to get this sugar under control and it's taking away from what I want to do! I just want to be normal again with it.
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